Pine River, Minnesota

'Birthplace of the Paul Bunyan Trail' 



City Hall Information:

  • Hours -                   Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Physical Location - 200 Front St. N
  • Mailing Address -   PO Box 87

                                    Pine River, MN  56474

  • Telephone -            (218) 587-2440 
  • Fax -                       (218) 587-2168


Terri Dabill - Clerk/Treasurer 


Rilla Anderson - Deputy Clerk



Please refer to the Home Page 'City Hall Calendar' for a listing of office closings and meeting schedules.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at