Pine River, Minnesota

'Birthplace of the Paul Bunyan Trail' 


The City of Pine River is gearing up for another street maintenance project. 

Proposed street & utility improvements planned are as follows:

Street segments planned for improvement:
  • Maple Avenue - TH 371 to First Street
  • Arlina Avenue - TH 371 to First Street
  • Second Street S - Barclay Avenue to Norway Avenue
  • Jefferson Avenue - First Street to Norway Lake Road
  • Murray Avenue - County Road 42 to Norway Lake Road


Street segments being considered for improvement if project budget allows are:

  • Parker Avenue - Third Street to Norway Lake Road
  • Snell Avenue - Third Street to Norway Lake Road


Questions regarding this project or the informational meetings should be directed to: 

Bryan Drown, Project Engineer, Bolton & Menk, Inc.,

7656 Design Road, Baxter, MN  56425

218-825-0684 Ext 2888. 


Check back for announcements of future Public Meetings when a projected timeline is in sight.


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